Revival Conference 2008 - Lilburn, GA, USA
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 12:00 am ET - Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 10:00 pm ET
Lilburn (Atlanta suburb), GA
Event Details
"There is no cost to attend the conference, registration is free!" http://revivalconference.eventbrite.com/ Will God send another great awakening? Can revival still change nations? There are over 10,000 conferences that happen every year. This 'Revival Conference' is not to be just another conference but a honest, sincere, earnest plea for the desperate need of revival. There is no cost to attend the event. No materials will be sold. There will be no big bands. The conference chief object is to be God-glorifying. The speakers come on their own accord trusting God for provision. There will be no emphasis on money during the event. The event will be a simple, apostolic, yearning for a genuine biblical revival in our day.
The conference is hosted by the ministry of sermonindex.net and is a inter-denominational event. INFORMATION BROCHURE -
Accommodations - The recommended hotels that are close by the venue are: Comfort Suites, 3700 Shackleford Rd. Duluth, ph. 770-931-9299. Marriott, 1775 Pleasant Hill Rd. Duluth, ph. 866-339-3132. Simply mention that you are attending the ?Revival Conference 2008? event for a discount.
(Shuttle service available as needed.)

Henry Blackaby - Dr. Henry Blackaby, founder and president emeritus of Blackaby Ministries International, provides consultative leadership worldwide in the life of the Christian community. Today, Dr. Blackaby sends an urgent call for revival in America and Christian leadership focused on God-centered integrity.

Paul Washer - Paul ministered as a missionary in Peru for 10 years, during which time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support Peruvian Church planters. HeartCry's work now supports over 80 indigenous missionaries in 15 different countries throughout the world.

Denny Kenaston - saved in 1972 out of the "Hippy culture." The Lord Jesus delivered them from drugs, drinking, and many other things that go along with that life style. Helped to form the Charity Christian Fellowship church where he serves as an elder. He also travels extensively in a church planting, and preaching ministry.

Al Whittinghill - The Late Dr. Leonard Ravenhill said of Al: "My friend and brother Al Whittinghill has been touched with a live coal. He truly points the way and also leads the way. A man whose heart the Lord has touched? 1 Sam.10:26. Hear him." He is in itinerant preaching ministry with the Ambassadors For Christ organization and has a burden for prayer and genuine revival in our day.

Bill McLeod - Former pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where the Canadian Revival begain in 1971. Powerful Word-centred preaching God has greatly blessed on several continents. Holds revival crusades, ministers at Bible colleges, pastors' retreats, camp meetings, prayer rallies, etc.

Roger Ellsworth - has been pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Benton, Ill., since 1988. He is a former president of Illinois Baptist State Association and a former trustee at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. Author of book "Come, Down Lord" an exposition on Isaiah relating to revival.

Ralph Sutera - One of the human instruments God used in the Canadian Revival of 1971, which resulted in the founding of Canadian Revival Fellowship. Out of his ministry the HeartCry for Revival, U.S.A. Conference was born. He continues in itinerant revival crusades with his twin brother and teaching sessions on revival. He also has written various articles, booklets, and study materials relating to the subject.

Don Currin - Don has a balanced ministry challenging believers with solid Biblical preaching while reaching out to the lost. He has conducted hundreds of evangelistic and revival meetings, men's retreats, camp ministries, and sponsoring life-issues related conferences. He is also a desired conference and Bible college speaker.

Brent Williamson - Brent Williamson has been a pastor in the Church of God in Ohio and Indiana. Mr. Williamson has preached and served for revival in the Church at large spanning many states across denominational lines. He has been a student of historical accounts of revival for many years. Currently Mr. Williamson is not pastoring but feels called to the Church abroad to see genuine revival.

Dean Taylor - is the current editor of the "Heartbeat of the Remnant" magazine which is distributed throughout the world through the Charity Gospel Ministries outreach. Dean has a burden and passion for revival and desires to see the Church be all that God intends it to be. He is the associate pastor of Living Hope Christian Fellowship, in Terre Hill, PA.

Ron Owens - Born in Nova Scotia, Canada. Reared in eastern Canada and Switzerland. Music studies and language diplomas from Europe. Music and theology degrees, USA. He has ministered with and traveled with many men of Revival such as: Leonard Ravenhill, Henry Blackaby, etc. He ministers in song and has a tremendous heart for genuine revival to occur.

Alan Martin - Alan Martin lives in Southeast Missouri. Their six children were all born at home and schooled at home. Their goal as a family is to encourage other believers in the faith, and further the kingdom of God in the earth. Alan's passion is to see believers furthered in their faith into a perfect man, the fulness of the stature of Christ.

Gareth Evans - is an itinerant pastor/teacher with a burden to minister to the hurting church. Formerly a Physics teacher in the UK and Canada, he became a pastor with the Christian And Missionary Alliance in Canada in 1979. Gareth has traveled to many countries, encouraging pastors and missionaries.

Don Courville - Started pastoring thirty two years ago. In 1985 he was involved in a wide-spread community revival in western Nebraska known as the 'Ranchers Revival' the effects of this revival spread around the state and neighboring states for over two years. He is currently pastoring Maranatha Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, MO.
If you have any specific questions or comments about this event please contact us by via email: [email protected] or TOLL-FREE phone at: 1-888-224-6123.