

(Thomas Watson, "Body of Practical Divinity")

"The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but
 the expectations of the wicked are all in vain."
    Proverbs 10:28

See the great difference between the death of
the godly?and the wicked. The godly are great
gainers at death?but the wicked are great
losers at death. They lose four things:

(1.) They lose the world?and that is a great
loss to the wicked. They laid up their treasure
upon earth, and to be turned out of it all at
once, is a great loss.

(2.) They lose their souls. Matthew 16:26-27.
The soul is more precious than the whole world!
But the sinner's soul is lost; not that the souls
of the wicked are annihilated at death?but

(3.) They lose heaven. Heaven is the region
of happiness and bliss.

(4.) They lose all hope. Though they lived wickedly,
they hoped God would be merciful; and they hoped
they would go to heaven. Their hope was not an
anchor?but a spider's web! At death they lose their
hopes, and see they did but flatter themselves into
"Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so
perishes the hope of the godless. What he trusts in
is fragile; what he relies on is a spider's web."
Job 8:13-14. It is dreadful to have life and hope
cut off together!

"When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes."
    Proverbs 11:7

"The desire of the righteous ends only in good,
 but the hope of the wicked only in wrath."
     Proverbs 11:23


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